We have had so much on our plates that it can become really difficult to make time to read.
'Books are a uniquely portable magic.' - Stephen King
It wasn't really until I was eighteen that I started to properly read. Often on GoodReads, people set themselves up with reading goals. I set mine to 50 for 2021 - I wasn't sure how much I would be able to read since it was my final year of university. As of today, I have read 94 books in 2021.
Of course, it does not matter at all how much you read. It's about finding and making time to read books you'll enjoy. As a student, I had to find a way to balance my love for reading with all of my work. I thought I would make a little guide on how to make time to read more.
A lot of these tips will seem pretty obvious, I know. But sometimes, it's the simple tricks that we look over.
Think about exploring audiobooks
If anyone tries to tell you that audiobooks don't count, that is complete rubbish. Audiobooks are a great way to fit in time to enjoy your books whilst you commute, cook or even try to get to sleep.
I use Audible but there are loads of different audiobook apps that you can try out. I think my favourite audiobook was Under The Dome by Stephen King. I remember listening to it whilst I was studying for my second-year exams and I decided to stop working just to enjoy the story. Audiobooks have helped me find the time to enjoy more books so it's worth trying them out.
'Human beings will always seek out new stories and ideas and we should celebrate the fact that there are now so many ways to access them.' - Jennifer Howard
Have time for TikTok? Switch it up for a book
Often people will say they never have time to read but they can spend hours scrolling on TikTok. Hey, there is no shame in that! But, if you notice you have a lot of time to scroll on your phone, you probably have time to read a couple of pages. Sometimes, I don't have the best attention span, so I have to switch between my phone and my book. But if you have loads of time to relax on your phone, maybe try to read for a little bit instead.
Often, I like scrolling on social media because it's a form of company. However, you can experience the same feeling with a great book.
'We read to know we're not alone' - William Nicholson, Shadowlands
Try out shorter reads - (Under 250 pages)
If you find yourself in a reading slump, the worst thing to do, for me, is to pick up a thick book (i.e. The Stand which is 1200 pages). I still find long books a bit intimidating and that makes it harder for me to read. There are so many short, yet brilliant novels to explore if you want to get back into reading. You can't go wrong with an Agatha Christie novel, for example. Finishing a book makes me feel a sense of accomplishment. I find short reads a great way to kick off my reading habits.
I'll leave a little list below of some great short reads if you are interested:)
Before The Coffee Gets Cold by Toshikazu Kawaguchi
Kim Jiyoung, Born 1982 by Cho Nam-Joo
The Body in the Library by Agatha Christie
Convenience Store Woman by Sayaka Murata
My Sister, The Serial Killer by Oyinkan Braithwaite
These are a mix of different genres that you can find more information on GoodReads.
'A short story is a love affair, a novel is a marriage. A short story is a photograph; a novel is a film.' - Lorrie Moore
I hope this is kind of useful for anyone who wants to fit in more books in 2021. Remember, try to find books you enjoy rather than worrying about the quantity you are reading.